Thursday, April 12, 2012

Memories From Our Trip!

A Journey Into Antiquity!
This photo was taken in Santa Cruz, Madeira, Portugal. As I walked into the bedroom where my grandparents once slept, I was drawn to the light of this open window. As the breeze gently filtered through the lace curtain, I couldn't help thinking how very European this image was in my minds eye. I wondered how many letters had been written, tears shed and precious moments shared in the blush of this delicate light? 
Posted From: Rosemary Aubut's Creative Journal
PaPa, Can You Hear Me?
This photo was taken in Santa Cruz, Madeira, Portugal. The village streets are quaint with outside cafes and rustic old houses showing off their age with dignity and grace. In the center of this township  is of course, the Village Church, surrounded by elaborate stonework and trees to shade. This place of worship is where my grand-father was baptized and his father before him. Once again this was a goose-bump rating of 10 on the emotional richter scale. This window called to me in gratitude from generations past! 
Posted From: Rosemary Aubut's Creative Journal
A Walk Back In Time!
I had the privilege of visiting Madeira, Portugal in the fall of 2009. Everywhere I looked there was a photo to be taken. Standing outside my grandfather's 300 year old house, I snapped this photo, giving my goose-bump rating a perfect 10! I believe this old gent walked past to remind me of a time when we used to walk and grandfather held my eager little hand. His cane always pointed out different objects of interest, that as a child, I might want to collect. Bottle caps seemed to be my favorite. He passed when I was eight years of age. I miss those walks! 
Posted From: Rosemary Aubut's Creative Journal

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